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24 Hour Champions

It’s Time. It’s Time. IT’S TIME!

2023 is swiftly coming to an end….

Our yearlong battle cry of “It’s Time!” has been an activating message for us to take hold of all we’ve been called to do.

And now, as we move into 2024, we will continue our encouragement of “It’s time,” but in an even more inspiring, practical and productive way.

Our declarations, decisions, preparations and actions laid a stable foundation in 2023.

For 2024, our time-based theme remains as we focus on WINNING - all 24 hours that we are given each day.

We are going to have the time of our lives!! 

We’re often pulled in so many directions, it seems there is not enough time or bandwidth to meet our commitments and obligations.

Within 24 hours we generally have eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work, and eight hours for everything else!

Now, I know many of us work more than eight hours a day and sleep less than eight hours a night.

The truth is, many of us are great at work but our home life suffers. Or we’re excellent at caring for others to our own personal detriment. We can be imbalanced, with a deficit in time for our spiritual, physical and mental health, families and relationships, or not following through on our biggest goals.

BUT in 2024, we will make the most of all 24 hours available in our days, leading and loving in both our professional and our personal lives.

There is a winning spirit inside you, the heart of the Ultimate Champion.

Did you know that because Jesus rose, we can be victorious in ALL aspects of life? Even when we lose, we grow, and therefore, we WIN!

How can we win in 2024, becoming champions 24 hours a day?

With all the demands of daily life, how can we make the most of our days with the seemingly limited time we have?

It’s significant to me that the number 24 is comprised of two 12s or three 8s.

The number twelve represents divine order and perfection, and eight, new beginnings and rebirth.

The number 24 is associated with the priesthood. As a multiple of 12, it takes on some of the meaning associated with 12 but in a higher form. Twelve is the number of God's power and authority and symbolizes a perfect foundation. It represents order and government, and I believe in 2024, God will help us form new beginnings so we can live ordered lives. I am reminded of this scripture in Isaiah 9,

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.”

We can be assured of His absolute protection and care, knowing the government rests on HIS shoulders, not ours. With the conflict happening in Israel right now and the great many distresses in our world, we can have peace and rest in Him all 24 hours of the day.

That is our focus for this year, His peace and the newness He gives us each ordered day.

We don’t have to depend on old ways to try to make this happen. We can grow and know more when we allow His peace to make us new, again. When we remain focused on Him, we win!

We want you to go to sleep with peace each night and wake up with joy each morning.

Each day we have the opportunity to be reborn in our thinking, in the ways we love, the ways we give, and the overall way we live.

We have the right to celebrate the newness and opportunities we have every day. Life will have its challenges, of this we are certain. But we also know you can and will thrive and have peace, joy, and contentment no matter the circumstances life throws at you.

We have a lot to discuss with you this year, and more about the practical steps of living as a champion in this new and ordered way.

Terms like peace and contentment seem ethereal and not material, especially if you’re facing challenges. But these comprise a stable foundation upon which we can build a champion’s journey; I hope you’ll join us for the ride.

I encourage you to plug into the resources we have to offer; there are several ways of doing so, no matter your budget.

What I want you to take into 2024 is this:

You’re a human being, not a human doing.

You don’t have to live your life like a robot or a zombie or for anyone else’s approval anymore. Let us help you structure your world around what works best for you and how you were created. Let us help you let go of the things that are no longer serving you well. Let us help you exponentially level up everything for an ordered, productive and peaceful life.

Let’s add a little efficiency, discipline, and exceptional quality to our lives so we reach our audacious goals this year!

I love you and I am for you. In 2024, we’re coaching you toward 24 hours of success, the maximum utilization of the ability you’ve been given, each and every day.

You’re a Champion.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your Turn.

It’s Time!


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