March Forward

I took a bit of a break from social media in February hopping on and off very rarely and sporadically, especially not on Twitter and Facebook like I had been.
I’ve missed the community and I’m hopping back on to welcome us all to March.
There is so much in my mind and on my heart right now.
Mostly, what I’m realizing is that choosing a word like “unstoppable” for your word of the year will surely be tested.
I’m realizing all the ways I especially stop myself and all the forces that can come against momentum.
I am setting my intentions for March.
And the thought resonating in my mind is to keep Marching Forward.
I pray you are encouraged meaning full of courage, as you wake up with a new month knowing you are unstoppable and your pursuit has purpose.
Your patience is a present.
Your pain is not the end.
Your prayers are being heard.
You are loved, seen, forgiven and full of grace.
Keep marching forward.
Love and hugs,
P.S. Did you choose a word of the year? Is it being tested right now? Is there opposition to your vision?
Respond and let us know if we can help you move through any obstacle. Click here to connect with Jill NOW
P.S.S. Remember, you can't be boxed in, held back, shut up or stopped when you know who you are and whose you are.