It's Time to Dream Again

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecc. 3:1
❄️Back in October, I had a dream about snow and it’s all I could think of since then!!
I’m so grateful I got to see this dream come to full fruition this last few days! Snow Days in Dallas!! ❄️
🔆Snow time is about to turn into Show Time and GO time and Game time. (If you don’t know what I mean by this, please see my past posts and join my mailing list!).
As life progresses, the more I am realizing God has given me a prophetic gift to understand times and seasons and I do not take this lightly. I’m leaning in to sharing these insights more than ever.
I’m so thankful for this season of rest and holiday that has refreshed, brought grace and a clean slate. Snow days are all about playing and my joy has been full!
Next week, I’ll be ready to crush my 2025 goals.
How about you????
If you need help, process or plan: grab my book, register for our online grow with goals class or schedule a free call. Click here to schedule time with me.
Now more than ever the world needs what only you can give. Take time this weekend to Dream Again! Use the imagery of snow to give you the picture of a pure, fresh start…a clean slate…set your intentions to be the best you and share all you’ve learned- even through failure. You have grace for it ALL. Your wisdom and voice matters. You will make a difference in the world as only you can.
Each snowflake is unique, special and has never fallen to the earth before…just like you.
It’s time to Dream Again!!!
It’s Show Time!!!!
Brand New U helps you achieve your goals and reach new levels of success by focusing on the real you and your unique contribution to the world through 1:1 coaching, consulting, group coaching, and public speaking. Whether you're an individual stuck in a rut, an entrepreneur needing accountability, or a business looking to grow your team, we have the right program to fit your needs.
Click HERE to schedule a complimentary consultation with owner Jill Hellwig to learn more about how a Brand New U coach can help you activate your goals and dreams!