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Happy May!


It’s the busiest month of the year for many of us. All of the end of year school commitments, shows, recitals, parties, graduations, showers, and more. It’s the culmination of another school year done! Along with the final days of homework, exams and school projects, come even more sunny days, as we set out our flowers and spruce up our outdoor spaces for summer. In addition, in my family, we have two big birthdays this month - my husband’s 50th and my son’s 18th!

With all of this excitement, I can begin to feel overwhelm and anxiety trying to creep in…

For me, when things get like this, I start to grasp for control, hoping for no chaos. I try to plan in advance, I live with my calendar, I make lists, lists and more lists, trying to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Did we get the teacher appreciation gift? Did we send out the invitations? Does the suit fit? Have they studied enough? Did we do this and this and this?

Oh, and what am I going to wear?!

And then I have to just breathe a minute and rest. And remember…May is the 5th month of the year and 5 is the number for grace.

Ahhhh grace. Let’s just sit with that a minute. I don’t have to be perfect, in fact, I won’t be perfect.

Several years ago, when I was struggling with anxiety and depression and I couldn’t seem to get out of a funk I was in, in my journaling time I began to notice the patterns of what kept me in the pit and from being my best. God helped me to categorize these patterns and tendencies into what I now call the “OH NO’s.”

Whenever life starts to get too much, I have to stop to take note of what’s going on and say “OH NO” with my loudest authoritative voice :

1. Oh No to Overwhelm

- I won’t let anxiety creep in. I journal my thoughts so they don’t race out of control.

2. Oh No to Overbusy

- I keep my calendar under control but I don’t let it control me. I flow with what I want to do when I want to do it and if the moment comes when I have to let something go, I do.

3. Oh No to Obligatory Thinking

- instead of “I have to do this,” I replace these thoughts with “I get to do this.”

4. Oh No to offense

- situations will constantly try to arise to try to get us in disunity, drama and division with others. I replace any feelings of offense with forgiveness.

Instead, I say OH YES to a new perspective.

Today that new perspective is grace. Giving myself and others so much grace, knowing life isn’t and won’t be perfect.

While we still have commitments and lots to do and process through this month, we can put on a new set of eye glasses and focus on this scripture, just sent to me this morning:

☀️ He makes us lie down in green pastures. He leads us beside still waters. He restores our soul!

May- what a great month it will be! OH NO Overwhelm. OH NO Overbusy. OH NO obligatory thinking. OH NO offenses.

OH YES - Grace!!!

Have a great month.

I love you and am cheering you and your children on as we finish out this incredible school year.

Love and hugs,


P.S. Hold on! vacation is coming soon! 😜😎😎🥰🥰🥰🥰


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