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Audacious October

Friends, I know we haven’t sent a newsletter since July - we have been so busy, and I know you have too. But it’s time! Time to express our immense gratitude to all who have had a part in making our year so special. We appreciate and give thanks to the Lord for all of you. We can’t wait to share what is next! (stay tuned!)

It’s Time to Reflect

We’re in the final quarter of 2023 and fall is here! The weather in Texas has FINALLY received the memo and the season changed. We have seen proof of the transition when the leaves changed from green, to red, orange, and yellow. The majesty of God on display in the beauty of nature.

This is also the season of harvest. Crops planted in the winter and spring have been ready for reaping. I believe it is the same with us. We’ve worked diligently so far this year and it’s time to account for our growth, analyze what’s worked, and make note of what we can change. We can enjoy the fruit of our labor and set aside what is necessary for the future. Speaking of the future, now is a great time to prepare for 2024.

As the holiday schedules kick in, I want to share a brief message with you. Let’s talk about AUDACITY.

It’s Time for Audacity

Audacity is a word that can have a negative connotation for a couple of main reasons, but I believe being audacious is the key to unlocking the greatest within us and those around us. Choosing to be audacious will lead to the greatest wins we’ve seen in life and business.

Sometimes audacity gets confused for presumption or even rebellion, but I’d like us to rethink how we view it. To be audacious is to be bold. It’s a term marked for adventurers and risk-takers, problem solvers, and table shakers.

I know many of you are such people. To be audacious doesn’t mean you’re extroverted, the center of attention, or the life of the party. It simply means you have a daring spirit, you stand tall in the confidence of faith.

In Hebrews, the Word says, “We are not of those who shrink back…” and earlier in the book, the writer exhorts us to come boldly before the throne of grace in our time of need. I think often we don’t consider “our times of need” in the right light. We think of it as only referring to when we lack something physically or when we are praying for things beyond us, such as healing.

But right now, in strength or in weakness; in a time of excess, plenty, or famine; in health or facing illness; no matter where we find ourselves, we are all in need of God for our next steps. I’m sure, like me, many of you already have plans outlined, and that’s great. But whether you have goals set for the next five minutes, five years, or if you’re timid about trying to set goals again, I encourage you to go audaciously before our Father to ask Him for direction, dreams, destinations, and the desires of your heart as you wrap up 2023 and you look forward to 2024.

I want you to know audacity takes humility. That may seem counterintuitive, but it’s true. Not one of us does this life thing alone and as we make plans, we need partners to go with us along the way. That means we have to ask for help, partnership, funding, mentorship, friendship, advice, etc. It takes a willing spirit to submit ourselves to the expertise and experience of another person or group. To grow and to go, to face rejection and no, to step out and try something new, and still remain on the path to our goals takes vulnerability. Being vulnerable is a hallmark of humility.

Let me be clear, audacity isn’t just for those who are in the C-suite, it’s for everyone in every part of life. Whether you are a student, an employee or employer, a single person or married with or without children, whether employed, unemployed, or even our friends unable to work due to disabilities, all of us can and should be audacious.

This Thanksgiving, as we enjoy the season, rest, and prepare for what’s to come, let’s commit to being bold and AUDACIOUS by first letting go of limiting statements. You know the sound of limiting statements:

“I’ve already achieved so much.”

“What else is there for me?”

“At my age…”

“I’m too young.”

“I’m not qualified.”

“I’m just a…”

“That’s impossible.”

“It’s too late for me.”

“I don’t know/have enough.”

“It will never work.”

On the contrary, when we choose audacity, we will see things work like never before. Together, let’s take those limits off, and see the “impossible” come to pass. Let’s reanimate and reactivate our faith; this is our work for now.

It’s Time for Audacious Gratitude

Gratitude opens the door to being close to a loving and good God. Gratitude is an act of surrender, in that, it helps us to focus on what we have, rather than what we don’t have. It reminds us of the bigger picture, that we are a small part in a big world that God created. We accept what we have joyfully and remember He is the giver of good gifts. Expressing thankfulness helps us remember that God is in control, a sovereign God, who has all things under his authority and that he cares for and loves us.

Thankfulness is not only appropriate; it is healthy and helpful! We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3) and being thankful reminds us that we have an abundant life, right where we are right now.

God responds to this kind of praise! And we will feel, act and live much better than we do when we complain!

“Oh give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endures forever. Oh give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endures forever. Oh give thanks to the Lord of lords: for his mercy endures forever.” – Psalms 136:1-3

I am grateful for the audacious opportunity I recently had to share Grow With Goals on NBC Texas Today. Click the photo below to enjoy!

For more information about Grow With Goals click here

Be bold. Be brave. Be audaciously grateful.

I believe in you and I’m always cheering for you!

For more information about our one-on-one coaching click here!


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