Oh December!

Oh what a month!!
We’ve made it to the final 31 days of our Unstoppable Year and I choose to believe this month He is going to come through for you!
He has taken notice of you while you stewarded the dreams He put inside you!
What does it mean when we “steward our dreams”?
Some similar words to “steward” are:
If you managed, operated, administered, or governed the things He told you to do, then you were in “stewardship” mode. He watched as you kept it simple, followed through with obedience, and took your necessary next steps. Now it is time for His display!
Isaiah 61:3 says, “They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”
Practically speaking, this means it is time for some of you - and your work - to be on display, for His glory!
While it may feel selfish or overly ambitious to receive awards and accolades, some of you will, in fact, receive them soon.
Some of you will finish your books. Your work will be “on display” for all to see!
Others will step out in leadership, or perhaps you will set up a new platform or build on an existing one. Some of you will move into your dream home or receive that long-desired promotion.
The time of incubation is ending. Your cocoon is opening and it is time to fly, butterfly.
Do not be afraid. Your patient and obedient stewardship produced the character within you equal to the calling on your life. You are His oak of righteousness. The world needs you to be your most authentic self, living freely in Him so they can see Jesus through you.
The gift(s) inside you, it's time to let that light shine. It is Him within you on display lighting up this season of hope and glory.
I believe many oaks of righteousness receive this newsletter. You were planted by the Lord and faithful to the assignments He gave you!
Now, He wants you to know you are worthy to step out and take risks; to turn those dreams into goals, and allow Him to manifest them into reality.
Your actions were not for your fame, fortune, or earthly reward. They were for the display of His splendor!
Let’s let December wow us with wonder while we look for His display - His overwhelming, never-ending, ever-pursuing love is coming your way!
Will you receive this gift?
Will I?
Will we be ready?
I sure hope so.
Just like the shepherds tending their sheep, and the wise men searching for the King of Glory, may we be in awe of the precious baby, born in Bethlehem to save all mankind because of the Father’s love!
You are so loved. You are cherished. Your life is full of purpose - all for the display of His splendor.
May December gift you the most beautiful display you have ever seen.
Look for it.
I love you!!
